
Op naar Amerika.Vanaf 1 september 2022 zullen mijn schilderijen te zien zijn in Mission Woods, Kansas, USA.

Enkele jaren geleden heb ik Neil Karbank ontmoet in Den Haag. Er is een vriendschappelijke band ontstaan. Wie weet is dat de opstap naar een vaste plek in Amerika.  We gaan het zien.


Mr. Karbank acts as General Counsel to Karbank Real Estate Company LLC and to its portfolio affiliates and he has acted as counsel in numerous commercial real estate acquisition, disposition, financing and leasing transactions as well as on portfolio brokerage, management, and analysis matters.  Mr. Karbank has lectured on a range of topics including commercial leases and real estate financings, non-consensual transactions, an individual’s capacity to make a will or a contract and contests for control of non-profit corporations. Mr. Karbank is a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Nelson-Atkins Museum and is a Member of the Nelson-Atkins Museum’s Executive Committee and its Committee on the Collections; he is Chair Emeritus and Acting Chair or the Board of Directors of Humanity In Action, Inc; he is a Trustee Emeritus and former President of the Board of Directors of Aspen Film; and is former President, Chabad-Aspen Jewish Community Center.